Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Cupcakes at school for Anelas birthday ...

For those of you who do not know yet, Anela recently switched schools to the Hawaiian Immersion Program. This means that all her schooling is in Hawaiian. It has been an adjustment but she is doing so good and learning fast. She will be speaking fluent Hawaiian in no time. The great thing about this program is the small class size and the love and support she feels there. After they sang her happy birthday, the kids all circled her and gave her a huge hug. We love you Nellie and are so proud of you.
Friends ....

Anela and Mama

Anela (3rd from the left) with her class.

Anela with her teacher, Kumu Anela.


kelly said...

so fun for her. love the class size. cute teacher. you made cupcakes?!;) JK

♥The Fatongia's♥ said...

She's growing so fast. I'm glad she enjoy's school and that class size is great! I love that she'll be speaking Hawaiian in no time!