Sunday, February 14, 2010

February 14, 2010.

Happy Valentines Day. These roses are from my incredible mother in law who has only been a widow for a month now. She got a rose from her to me and one from Jon to me too. So sweet. Makana took the photo. (creative I thought). Amber and myself in the background.

Today was a special day for anela. She performed for the first time as a Hawaiian Immersion student. She was nervous but cute. There is a photo of her with her class and then with all 11 immersion schools. The future of the Hawaiian Language is in their hands. (she is the 5th student from the left).

A wide angle shot of the event and me and the girls hanging out on the lawn. This is called " Waikiki Shell" for those not familiar and diamond head is to the right of it.

At the end of the day we go to get Panda Express (my kids favorite) and we happen to see Kyra there (their 1st cousin - Chris' daughter). The girls were so happy and excited to see her we took these photos. Plus amber took the photo of me, at the end of the day. Ready to get into the truck and drive everyone home. It was a busy but good day with those I love. Hope yours was too .......


kelly said...

she is so cute! i am sure it was a very cool experience! i want to see her sometime!

♥The Fatongia's♥ said...

looks like you had a sweet day...glad that nellie's program went well...she's growing so fast! happy valentines day...xoxo