Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Our little artist ....

At school this week Anela has been learning about running a business. She was selling her acrylic paintings. Today she said her 5 paintings sold in "like 5 seconds" and so she had to paint more tonight. I thought I would scan them since we will never see them again. Here is a glimpse at her original images. She's such an artist and it has been really fun to add art into our lives. We will be painting some more tomorrow if all these sell ;-)

Peace and Love

I told her about the artist, Heather Brown and we looked at her website together. This ones "Heather Brown" style.

Anela was copying her dads photo: Gods Garden

Happy Hibiscus

1 comment:

kelly said...

I WILL PAY REAL MONEY!! I WANT ONE! she has her daddy's creative side too! i love the drawings of jon's pictures and i love heather brown. kathleen is painting a lot and looks like her. i really need a picture!!